Sola Rola - Solar Electric Skateboard
Sola Rola is a fictitious project revolving around a new solar rechargeable electric skateboard design. With the product idea in mind, I developed a company name, logo, and product mock-ups. The thought is, this lithium battery powered electric skateboard differs from others as its hub centred electric drive motor is controlled hands-free by fore and aft foot pressure as well recharging via solar cells built into the deck. This would combine some of the industries best possible technologies allowing for greater travel distance and flexibility of use without being tied to a wall receptacle. The logo design adheres to auto industry inspired colours for electric and hybrid drive systems evoking a hybrid/green energy feel. The use of lightening bolts exemplify power overall and within the central hub of the ellipse representing the drive wheel.
Colour Logo
Grayscale Logo
Front & Back design - Ad Style I
Ad style II
Ad Style III

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