Love Not War - Culture and Design Poster
The issue treatment in this project is two fold a throwback to the ‘hippie’ peace era of the 1970’s and a satirical spin on the comedic actions of Donald Trump, specifically ‘air kissing’. Trump can be seen over the last few years in so many scenarios attempting to kiss children, family, running mates, the opposition, and even inanimate objects. Quite often he is awkwardly captured by the media mid-motion. In the posters, this satirical play has been used against the posturing of both sides of the United States and North Korean recent arms conflict. The thought behind the play is if Trump met Kim Jong Un, would he be caught in an air kiss by the media, and even if he wasn’t how funny would that light-hearted play be given the parties involved. The posters follow a typographic only, visual only, and visual/type combined format.